FreeYourMind is a Mind Mapping Software designed for Pocket PCs.
FreeYourMind is Freeware and you are free to use it in private, non-commercial environment.
FreeYourMind is compatible with FreeMind version 0.8.x and version 0.9.x, the free mind mapping software for desktop computers.
Everybody who has worked with FreeMind on his desktop computer might have had the desire for viewing and editing the mind maps on his Pocket PC. This was the reason for me to develop FreeYourMind.
Because the presentation of a mind map on a Pocket PC is limited compared to a desktop computer, FreeYourMind cannot display all features of FreeMind. In practice the power of FreeYourMind is fully sufficient to edit your mind maps and catch spontaneous ideas. The graphical refinement can be done on your desktop computer.
The functionality of FreeYourMind will be constantly enlarged.
FreeYourMind is a .NET 2.0 application. This means that the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 has to be installed on your Pocket PC.
The Compact Framework can be installed on devices running Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6. Older devices are not supported.
Both QVGA- and VGA-displays are supported.