A simple todo list maker for any Blackberry with OS 4.0 or higher.
- Checked off items are automatically pushed down to the bottom of list
- Unlimited number of list and list size
- Auto-complete with a built in dictionary (user propmted to load upon install)
- Self learning dictionary of todo items
- Icon selector provided to customize each list
- Todo items can be selectively copied between lists
- Entire data can be copied, backed up/restored to or from any BB app
- Items can be moved up and down along the list for easy prioritization
- Item's move can be triggered by ALT+click or ALT+M
- Each list integratable with BB calendar
- Duplicate a list menu, usefull when you have a template list
- Email a selected list, the receiver will 'Copy' it from email and import using 'Add Data from Clipboard'
- Delete all Selected on List screen
- Items can be sorted by name or department
- User can select item name or measurement vocabulary when 'Loading vocabulary from Clipboard'