News & Weather Apps
for Android, Java, Windows Phone, Symbian and more

Eye In Sky Weather

  • Free
Eye In Sky Weather iconEye In Sky Weather is for those who like their weather clean, simple and beautiful. The app includes 14 of the best weather icon sets available, with the ability to add your own...

News360: Personalized News

  • Free
News360: Personalized News iconNews360 is a personalized news reader – it tailors a unique newsfeed just for you, and uncovers quality content from around the web. By analyzing what you enjoy, News360...

Player FM Offline Podcast App

  • Free
Player FM Offline Podcast App iconFree cloud podcast app that syncs across devices, helps you discover great shows, and plays offline. Free forever with no ads and minimal permissions. Premium features launch...
  • Google Play Newsstand

    • Free
    Google Play Newsstand iconWith Google Play Newsstand, discover more of the news and magazines you care about all in one app on your Android tablet or phone. Enjoy breaking news and in-depth articles...

    Bright Weather

    • Free
    Bright Weather iconBright Weather is the most comprehensive weather app available on Android. It makes the daily weather essentials easily available and a simple access to deeper information while...

    Weather Underground

    • Free
    Weather Underground iconCOMMUNITY POWERED WEATHER The new Weather Underground Android app provides the world’s most accurate hyper-local weather forecasts in addition to interactive radar,...


    • Free
    TheBlaze iconTheBlaze is a news, information & entertainment network. With TheBlaze app get access to live and on demand video from TheBlaze TV, up-to-the-minute breaking news from...

    NPR One

    • Free
    NPR One iconNPR One is the new audio app that connects you to a stream of public radio news and stories curated for you.Great storytelling and rigorous reporting that informs, engages,...

    Marine Forecast

    • Free
    Marine Forecast iconMETEO CONSULT, the largest independent supplier of weather forecasts and shipping forecast specialist, manages the entire forecasting process thanks to a team of top level...

    • Free iconGet the new app on your Android smartphone or tablet and inform yourself anytime and anywhere on the current weather and the weather forecast of 1.5 million locations...

    Weather Thermometer

    • Free
    Weather Thermometer iconCheck the current weather and temperature at a glance on your smartphone!With this application, Hot Weather Thermometer, you can check at any time the weather and the...


    • Free
    PressureNet iconBy downloading PressureNet you are a citizen scientist helping make weather forecasts more accurate!PressureNet is a network of crowdsourced weather sensors. We automatically...

    Swipe: Lock Screen News

    • Free
    Swipe: Lock Screen News iconSwipe is a personalized lock screen news feed app that lets you read news from popular sources without unlocking your smartphone.Did you know that on average users turn on...

    GPS Thermometer

    • Free
    GPS Thermometer iconThis app displays the temperature for your current location.GPS and an active data or internet connection is required to retrieve the temperature.Features: - a livetile...

    GO Weather EX

    • Free
    GO Weather EX iconWeather Forecast Widget – Over 50 million users’ choice with a high rating of 4.5 of all weather apps on the android marketplace, that is GO Weather Forecast &...

