
for Android

Hear a song you don't know? Shazam identifies it instantly. Free and Unlimited.
Faster tagging. Now discover, explore and share more music, TV shows and brands you love in as little as one second.
With free and unlimited tagging use Shazam as much as you want, and experience more of what you like, faster.

With the Shazam Widget you can now Tag straight from your home screen, and discover songs Shazamers around the world are tagging with live Tag Stream, plus add tracks you like to your Tag list.

What's New

Now all Spotify and Rdio users can add their Shazam discoveries to playlists without leaving the app.
Sign up for Rdio and get a 48 hour free trial of Rdio Unlimited. Head to Settings in My Shazam to get started.

You can also:
â—‹ Save and listen again (30 sec previews)
â—‹ See streaming lyrics in time to the music
â—‹ Buy tracks easily on Amazon MP3
â—‹ View extra content as you watch TV
â—‹ Watch music videos & concerts from YouTube
â—‹ Listen to your tagged music in Spotify
â—‹ Share on Facebook & Twitter
â—‹ Discover new music in Shazam Friends & Charts
â—‹ See when an artist is touring
○ Use it when you don’t have a signal
â—‹ When you see the Shazam prompt on TV, tag for extra content
â—‹ Tag from your home screen with the Shazam Widget
â—‹ Remember where you tagged a track with Location
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15 total
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